Florida congressman John Mica tours Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts

BalfourBeatty one

balfourbeaty2The Balfour Beatty Construction team on the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts (DPAC) project in Orlando rolled out the red carpet on March 11 for the on-site tour of U.S. Rep. John Mica from Florida’s 7th District. 

The congressman toured the project to get more insight into the project’s impact on the economy, as well as transportation. DPAC sits in close proximity to the upcoming SunRail commuter project, and transportation has been a long-standing legislative priority for Mica.

Sean DeMartino, division president for Balfour Beatty Construction in Florida, and DPAC President Kathy Ramsberger, lunched with Mica in the viewing room overlooking the project’s construction site prior to a jobsite tour, which was led by Balfour Beatty superintendent Ben Manning.

“It was a proud moment to show congressman Mica all the hard work that has collectively evolved into this showpiece project,” DeMartino said. “He has been a longtime ally in the importance of thoughtful, well-designed and -constructed projects that truly benefit taxpayer citizens. That description is a perfect summation of the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts.”

As past chairman of the board of directors of the Central Florida Associated Builders and Contractors, DeMartino worked extensively on refining local policy for the Free Enterprise Alliance. This advocacy arm of ABC aims to educate its members, elected officials, and the general public about the importance of open business competition to the American economy, and how undereducated policy decision-making can yield unintended consequences.

“Through the years,” DeMartino added, “the construction industry has coalesced with the greater business community to support congressman Mica’s efforts to build and protect the development of SunRail, Orlando International Airport, and Florida’s ports.  Like the Center for Performing Arts, all of these projects will ultimately enhance private business opportunities and grow employment in Central Florida. “

As chairman of the subcommittee on government operations, Mica focuses on cutting government waste and eliminating duplicative programs. His efforts in the 112th Congress targeted transportation and infrastructure, discerning misuse of public funds, and improving the relationships between the federal government and states and municipalities.


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