Pensacola receives $637,000 grant to build multi-use path


Florida Construction News staff writer

The City of Pensacola has received a $637,060 funding grant from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to build a multi-use path at Hollice T. Williams Park, which will improve connectivity for bicyclists and pedestrians and serve as a safe off-road transportation facility for the surrounding community.

Construction is expected to start in 2026.

The half-mile path will run from East Jordan Street to East Blount Street in Hollice T. Williams Park. The path is being called a critical component of the approved greenway framework plan and part of the RESTORE funded design work underway through partnership with Escambia County.

“This is an exciting project to enhance connectivity between Hollice T. Williams Park, downtown Pensacola and surrounding neighborhoods,” Mayor D.C. Reeves said. “We are continuing to work toward creating a safer and more connected city for bicyclists and pedestrians.”

It’s part of a long-term estimated $25 million upgrade of Hollice T. Williams Park under Interstate 110 to transform the area into a greenway with walking paths, outdoor amenities and a new stormwater treatment system.

Blake Doyle Skatepark is part of the overall Hollice T. Williams Park vision and is under construction. The skatepark is being built by Bear General Contractors and is expected to be completed next year.

Funding for the multi-use path is included in the FDOT District 3 Tentative Work Program for Fiscal Year 2024-2028, which must be submitted to the Governor’s Office, Legislature, Department of Economic Opportunity and Florida Transportation Commission for approval.

There will be a 14-day public comment period before final approval by the Governor’s Office and Legislature, followed by adoption of the 5-Year Work Program by the FDOT Secretary.


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