Florida Stormwater, Erosion and Sedimentation offers inspector training and certification course


Florida Construction News staff writer

Registration is open for the American Stormwater Institute’s online training course based on the Florida Stormwater, Erosion and Sedimentation Control Inspector’s manual. Participants will receive certification valid for three years from American Stormwater Institute and certification from the State of Florida. CEU’s or PDH’s are issued with your certification.

The Water Quality Restoration Program is currently implementing the Florida Stormwater, Erosion, and Sedimentation Control Inspector (FSESCI) Qualification Program to educate installers and inspectors on proper Best Management Practice (BMP) selection, installation, layering, and maintenance; and to train and qualify inspectors to correctly inspect BMPs for use during and after construction so that impacts from uncontrolled erosion and sedimentation on the construction site are minimized.

Instructors are dynamic and offer fully interactive classes with a two-day class that follows curriculum provided in Manual Tier I, and Tier II with a one hour proctored examination.

To obtain the DEP qualification certificate, a minimum grade of 70 percent must be obtained on the exam.

Objectives of the training and qualification program are:

  • To ensure that the desired benefits of stormwater management systems are being achieved.
  • To ensure that both the public and private sectors have enough inspectors trained in the proper installation and maintenance of BMPs during and after construction.
  • To ensure a consistent level of technical expertise and professional conduct for all individuals responsible for inspecting erosion and sediment controls, and stormwater management systems.

The program curriculum was developed and the training program launched in late 1997. In 2018, the program was divided into two tiers to cover material for installers and inspectors in sequence. To date, there are approximately 40,000 inspectors qualified under the educational program throughout the state of Florida.

The American Stormwater Institute has DEP-approved instructors to teach the installer and inspector training classes throughout the year at several locations around the state. This allows the students flexibility to arrange classes around their schedules.

Classes follow the curriculum provided in the Florida Stormwater, Erosion and Sedimentation Control Inspectors Manual (Tier I, and Tier II). The classes will help develop a better knowledge of how to properly manage the impacts from solids (TSS), turbidity (NTUs), nutrients (i.e., nitrogen and phosphorus), and other surface water contaminates.

Florida’s stormwater program is technology based, using performance standards and BMP design criteria. The use of innovative techniques and specifically designed erosion control systems are encouraged in order to prevent or limit erosion and sedimentation problems during and after land disturbance and construction activities.  The American Stormwater Institute classes spend extra time on some of these new techniques to better prepare our graduates for real life situations.

The Tier I class provides an introduction to stormwater and erosion and sedimentation control and teaches BMP installers and operators how to properly select, install, and maintain BMPs. This class is a pre-requisite to the Tier II class.

The Tier II class provides additional details on information introduced in the Tier I class, and trains BMP inspectors on the applicable regulations, inspection forms, and enforcement procedures necessary for proper inspection of BMPs.

Upon the completion of the Tier II class, a proctored examination is administered, and a minimum passing grade of 70 percent must be made to obtain the DEP qualification certificate.


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