City of Marathon awarded $1.3 million for highway improvement projects


Florida Construction News staff writer

The City of Marathon will receive $1.3 million from the Job Growth Grant Fund for infrastructure improvements at the Highway US-1 (Overseas Highway) and Banana Boulevard intersection, including widening US-1 and adding a turn lane.

As a result, Bass Pro Shops announced plans to build a first-of-its kind fishing resort in Marathon.

Crews will also install nearly a mile of new sewer lines and improvements to increase wastewater capacity of the Marathon system.  will allow major companies to build in the area and create new jobs and tourism opportunities.

“This investment in Marathon will improve infrastructure, create jobs, and drive the state’s economy forward,” said Gov. Ron DeSantis. “Florida is the fishing capital of the world and we are proud to be chosen by Bass Pro for their first-of-its-kind resort that will be a world-class attraction. Bass Pro’s mission of promoting sport fishing along with conservation of our natural resources makes them a natural fit for the Florida Keys.”

Since August of 2021, more than $111 million has been shared for infrastructure projects across the state through the Florida Job Growth Grant Fund.

DEO and EFI are currently accepting proposals until all funding has been awarded. For more information, visit


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