CRG building university campus and global education offices at former Miramar USA Today site

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Once the home of a USA Today printing and distribution facility, 10315 USA Today Way will be renovated into a nursing school for Chamberlain University, a member of Adtalem Global Education, and administrative offices for other Adtalem medical institutions and programs.

Developer and investor CRG says it will renovate a former printing and distribution facility, once the home of USA Today, into a healthcare education facility for Adtalem Global Education’s institutions, including a campus for Chamberlain University, which claims to have the country’s largest nursing school.

CRG sourced the location and acquired the land for the project. The campus renovations were designed by Lamar Johnson Collaborative (LJC), a subsidiary of CRG’s parent company, Clayco. Construction will be completed by Excel Construction of Florida, Inc.

The new campus will replace Chamberlain’s current nearby Miramar location. The site is being designed to house administrative offices for other Adtalem educational institutions and projects, including Ross University School of Medicine, the American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine, and the Medical Education Readiness Program, pending regulatory approvals, CRG says in a March 7 statement.

chamberlain building
The Chamberlain University campus in Miramar will house lecture-style classrooms, science labs and simulation care centers, along with an admissions center, faculty offices and student common areas.

“Chamberlain University has a longstanding commitment to support students through access and a personalized learning approach,” said Chamberlain University president Karen Cox. “Now, more than ever, there is a global demand for healthcare professionals.”

The Miamar campus will include more than 56,000 sq. ft. of space to house lecture-style classrooms, science labs, and simulation care centers, along with an admissions center, faculty offices, and student amenities, such as study areas and lounges. The campus will also include landscaped outdoor spaces and 300 parking spots.

“This project represents our first build-to-suit for Adtalem Global Education, a company that recognizes the critical need for qualified healthcare professionals and is moving fast to deliver high-quality educational programs across the country,” said Shawn Clark, president at CRG. “We are thrilled to partner with them to establish what will be one of the largest nursing schools in Florida and look forward to working together to create high-tech educational facilities in other markets.”

“CRG’s vertically integrated platform is scalable to meet the diverse needs of our clients,’” said Jason Blum, vice president of development for CRG. “This project is a great example of leveraging CRG’s strength in identifying and acquiring excellent sites with LJC’s design talent and Excel Construction’s on-the-ground expertise to deliver a winning solution quickly.”

“This is an important project considering the nursing and healthcare worker shortage here and nationally,” said Excel Construction of Florida president Eric Wolf. “We have built out space for colleges in the past, but this is the largest interior and most unique repurposing of space we’ve ever done. It’s projects like this one, where we entirely rehabilitate and bring new life and purpose to outdated spaces, that highlight our extensive capabilities.” 


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