Cocoa Beach City approves inside-demolition permit for Glass Bank building


The Cocoa Beach City Commission unanimously approved an interior demolition permit for the Glass Bank building in Cocoa Beach, reports Florida Today.

The permit will be issued to Glass Bank Condominium Association, which owns the North Atlantic Avenue building.

In the coming weeks, construction workers may begin gutting the Glass Bank floor-by-floor, tossing moldy drywall and shattered glass into the trash.

Scott Widerman, the condominium association’s lawyer, publicly accused former Cocoa Beach officials of interfering in his client’s efforts to repair and reconstruct the building “in every step of the way.” Chiefly, he said the city unexpectedly revoked his demolition permit in November 2011 — likely because the site is under consideration for a future City Hall.

On a parallel track, commissioners also unanimously decided to pursue a nuisance lawsuit against the condominium association.

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