Wal-Mart proposals create anticipation and fear in South Florida

gatlin development

walmartProposed WalMart super center projects in Fort Lauderdale and Davie are attracting interest — and some fear.

Developer Gatlin Development Co., which the Sun-Sentinal reports has “built a national reputation for creating shopping centers anchored by Walmarts over the past 30 years,” has proposed two super-centers in Fort. Lauderdale and one in Davie.

According to the newspaper, the proposed Ft. Lauderdale projects are welcomed by the community, but opposition has sprouted in Davie.

“None of the Gatlin projects is guaranteed to be built,” the newspaper reports. “The Broward Boulevard site still needs a change of land use from residential to commercial. Fort Lauderdale has approved the change, but it has to go before the Broward County Planning Council this month.

“Davie officials have yet to sign off on the proposed development in their town and Fort Lauderdale planners say there has been no recent movement on Gatlin’s Sunrise Boulevard proposal. Multiple calls placed last week to owner Frank Gatlin III and company attorney Chad Williard were not returned.”

See the Sun-Sentinal story here.


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