Teams shortlisted for construction of $814.4 million Howard Frankland Bridge

Image Credit: Wikipedia Commons

The Florida Department of Transportation has shortlisted the teams for the $814.4 million Howard Frankland Bridge replacement project.

The department shortlisted and named the three teams on the bridge replacement project, the Tampa Bay Business Journal reports.

The three design-build teams include:

The proposal opening date is Oct. 8, while the final selection meeting is scheduled for Oct. 15.

The new bridge will include four non-tolled/general use lanes, two tolled express lanes in both the north and southbound directions, and a 12-foot shared use path adjacent to the non-tolled/general use lanes. Once the new bridge is constructed, the existing northbound bridge will be removed.  It will also have two northbound express lanes that will support future rail transit or bus rapid transit

Construction is expected to start in late 2019 or 2020.


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