SchenkelShultz Architecture wins contract to design Suncoast Technical College South Campus’s new $15 million Technical College and Library in Sarasota County


SchenkelShultz Architecture has won the contract to design Phase I of the Suncoast Technical College and Sarasota County Public Library in North Port. This phase of the project is budgeted at approximately $15 million.

The contract was awarded by the School Board of Sarasota County. The project includes a state-of-the-art technical college that will provide real world, hands-on learning environments; a joint-use library for students and the North Port community; and a conference center to be funded in part by the City of North Port and available to both the campus and the community.

SchenkelShultz’s education experience includes K-12, higher education and 21st century school designs. For more than 15 years, SchenkelShultz has been at the forefront of designing educational facilities that incorporate 21st century educational philosophies, ranging from K-12 schools to state-of-the-art career and technical centers, and university facilities.


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