Pensacola awarded $3.9 million for infrastructure projects


Florida Construction News staff writer

More than $3.9 million to the City of Pensacola for infrastructure improvements at the Port of Pensacola including a High-Performance Maritime Center of Excellence.

American Magic is planning to move its headquarters from Rhode Island.

“Today’s award will strengthen the Port of Pensacola’s infrastructure and promote economic opportunities in the sailing industry for the Florida Panhandle,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “We believe in making strategic investments that will create job opportunities and ensure Florida’s prosperity for generations to come.”

Cash will be used for the design, build-out and retrofit of an existing warehouse that was damaged by Hurricane Sally and has remained partially incomplete for more than two years.

Once complete, the warehouse will house advanced manufacturing and boat building, ocean sciences and maritime technology research and development, as well as marine industry testing. Funds will also be used for the design and construction of a dock with a boat ramp.

“This award significantly expands the area’s ability to support advanced manufacturing, boat building, ocean sciences and maritime technology research and development, and marine industry testing, which will also support the creation of up to 150 high-quality high-wage jobs,” said Acting Department of Economic Opportunity Secretary Meredith Ivey.

The project brings the total amount awarded through the JGGF to nearly $127 million over the past two fiscal years. The Florida Job Growth Grant Fund is an economic development program designed to promote public infrastructure and workforce training across the state. Proposals are chosen by Governor DeSantis to meet the demands for workforce training or infrastructure needs in communities around the state.


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