Green construction has contributed $12 billion to Florida’s economy: Economic impact study

FGBC shot

Just what is the contribution of green construction to state economies? In Florida for the period 2011 – 2014, green construction contributed $12 billion, ranking Florida the third highest state in the nation, according to the “Green Building Economic Impact Study” prepared by Booz Allen Hamilton in McLean, VA. Only California and Texas had higher green building economic contributions to states’ GDP, the Florida Green Building Coalition (FBGC) reports in its Green Trends newsletter.

The FGBC article continues:

Green buildings also result in real, quantifiable savings. These savings are reported most often across four savings categories:

  • Energy
  • Water
  • Trash
  • Maintenance labor

Green construction can also save money in reducing disposal cost of construction waste and through integrated design process. From 2015 – 2018, the green construction market is expected to generate $2.4 billion in energy savings, $99.2 million in trash savings, $256.5 million in water and $1.5 billion in maintenance savings

What does the future hold? Between 2015 – 2018 analysts predict:

  • Green construction spending is forecasted to grow 14.1% year over year to $224.4 Billion
  • National green construction will directly impact GDP by $303.4 billion
  • Green construction will directly support over 3.9 million jobs generating $268.4 billion in labor earnings


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