Davie designated as latest FGBC Local Government: Town recertifies as ‘Florida Green’ at Silver level

fgbc davie
The Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC) says it has recognized the Town of Davie for outstanding environmental stewardship by again designating it as a Certified Green Local Government at the Silver level.
Davie achieved 31 percent of its 332 applicable points. The leadership of Town administrator Rick Lemack and Davie elected officials were singled out for their commitment to sustainability.
“Congratulations to Davie. We commend the leadership of the Town of Davie for pursuing certification. This achievement demonstrates the town’s commitment to protect and conserve the community’s natural resources, enhance the efficiency of government thus reducing the cost to taxpayers, and raise public awareness about the benefits of environmental stewardship,” said FGBC executive director C.J. Davila who made the presentation along with FGBC president Barry Faske.
The Town Council formalized its commitment to sustainability in 2007.
Among other things, a resolution outlined a formal commitment to minimize environmental impacts and promote sustainable development and green building design. The resolution gave directives to Town staff to develop policies and actions. These pave the way for training opportunities and energy efficiency standards.
Many “green” practices are already in effect throughout the town and many others are in the planning stages. Each of these is a small part of a larger effort to find ways to sustain our natural resources in order to ensure they remain available for future generations.
The success of the FGBC local government program emanates from the fact that there is a sizeable and compelling return on investment for any municipality thus reducing the cost to taxpayers. To date 78 local governments have participated in the program.
The Florida Green Building Coalition was formed in 2000 and is the leading certifying agency for local governments and green building in the state having just surpassed 22,200 projects.


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