Construction of NCH Cardiac Institute approved by Naples planning board


Florida Construction News staff writer

The Naples Planning Advisory Board has approved construction of the NCH Cardiac Institute, a five-story facility for advanced heart and stroke care. The project will be funded through philanthropy and healthcare system resources.

Approval came with conditions including a reduced parking garage height, environmental plan for tree protection and signage adjustments to address residential concerns.

The plan needs final approval from city council.

The proposed facility was first unveiled in 2021 by Naples Community Hospital and has been in front of the local government for more than two years.

Changes the planning advisory approved include:

  • 10-foot, one-story reduction in the parking garage.
  • Environmental plan to protect local mahogany trees from construction
  • Hospital signs will not face residential neighborhoods

The heart, vascular and stroke institute would include training facilities, operating rooms, medical offices and 30 patient rooms, according to the Naples Community Hospital.


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