City of Tallahassee introduces virtual inspects, reducing COVID-19 risks for some residential projects

tallahassee city hall
Tallahassee City Hall, by Urbantallahassee Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license..

The City of Tallahassee is using virtual inspections to reduce COVID-19 risks and keep people in the construction and home improvement business working as much as possible,

“We wanted to do everything we could possibly do at the City level to keep people working,” Karen Jumonville, the city’s director of Growth Management, told WCTV.

The virtual inspection tool will be used for occupied residential homes for items such as a gas permit, or heating and air conditioning units.

The virtual inspections save time, and allow for less face-to-face contact.

“Results can be entered into the computer right there,” said Jumonville. “It was of primary importance that we make sure the quality of the inspection is at the exact same level or higher than the inspection that you would get in person,” she said.


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