Hollywood designated ‘Florida Green’ city by Florida Green Building Coalition

fgbc hollywood
FGBC “Florida Green” presentation to the City of Hollywood, (Photo credit City of Hollywood)

The Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC) says it has designated Hollywood as a “Florida Green” local government.

The city achieved 32 percent of its 311 applicable points, earning them a Silver-level designation. The City of Hollywood has been a certified green city since 2012.

In a presentation to the city commission  FGBC executive director C. J. Davila said: “The FGBC Green Local Government program is truly unique within the country. It creates an environment of communication and coordination amongst different departments. This collaboration streamlines processes, decreases redundancies, and generates new approaches toward sustainability and resource preservation.”

To date 88 local municipalities, city and county, have participated in the FGBC “Florida Green” Local Government program.

The green certification program scores the city’s sustainability in terms of categories. These categories include: Energy efficiency, Water, Economic Development, Tourism, Emergency Management, Planning and Zoning and many more. In each category there are points that can be achieved.

Some highlights from Hollywood include:

  • Enacted green landscaping ordinance for local government buildings;
  • Uses LED traffic lights;
  • Maintains a green fleet program for department or entire local government;
  • Operates local government alternative fueling station;
  • Affordable housing constructed by city/county and other parties are mandated green; and
  • Implemented energy-efficient lighting and controls for outdoor recreational parks.

The FGBC was formed in 2000 and has certified more than 19,000 projects.

Unlike other national and international certifications, FGBC five certifications are only standards developed with Florida-specific criteria. They address the state’s hot-humid climate, environment, unique topography, geology and natural disasters.

“The local government program’s success emanates from the fact that there is a sizeable and compelling return on investment for any municipality thus reducing the cost to taxpayers. It starts with exemplary leadership and staff,” said FGBC president and Hollywood resident Barry Faske.


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