Florida construction industry needs more skilled workers in 2014

BalfourBeatty one

Florida’s construction industry is ramping up for a strong year of hiring in 2014 — if it can find the skilled workers it needs, reports TampaBay, citing a recent released annual survey by the trade group Associated General Contractors of America.

Last year, 46% of surveyed Florida construction companies added workers and 31% laid off workers.

Looking ahead, one-third of the companies said they planned to add workers and two-thirds forecast no change. None of the companies projected layoffs.

The sentiment was the same across the country. Some 41% of firms that did not change staff levels last year report they plan to start expanding payrolls in 2014, while only 2% plan on making layoffs.

“Contractors are more optimistic about 2014 than they have been in a long time,” said Stephen E. Sandherr, CEO of the association. “While the industry has a long way to go before it returns to the employment and activity levels it experienced in the middle of the last decade, conditions are heading in the right direction.”

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