Tampa launches two-year initiative to revise land development code with Sept. 16 public meeting


Florida Construction News staff writer

The City of Tampa is embarking on a two-year project to overhaul its Land Development Code (LDC), aiming to create a more user-friendly and efficient set of regulations for managing land use and development.

The initiative, called “Tampa Forward: Building Tomorrow Together,” seeks to modernize the LDC to better serve the needs of the city’s growth.

A public kickoff meeting is scheduled for Sept. 16, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at City Center at Hanna Avenue, 2555 E. Hanna Ave. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m., and refreshments will be provided. A virtual option will also be available for those unable to attend in person.

Click this link to register to attend the public kickoff meeting, either in person or virtually.

The project will focus on several key objectives:

  • Restructuring: Simplifying and organizing the LDC to enhance clarity and ease of use.
  • Visual Enhancements: Adding photos, diagrams, and illustrations to clarify code provisions.
  • Precision: Using more precise language to reduce ambiguity and increase predictability in development.
  • Development Standards: Introducing improved standards, such as tree planting and landscaping requirements, to elevate the quality of development citywide.

The LDC governs various aspects of city planning, from preserving historic buildings to expanding housing options and enhancing walkability. The City of Tampa encourages public participation to ensure the updated code addresses community needs effectively.

“It is vital we have participation from our City of Tampa residents throughout the update of our LDC,” said Abbye Feeley, interim administrator for Development and Economic Opportunity. “As we develop a code that can meet the demands of our growing city, the public’s input will ensure the update makes Tampa a better place for residents, businesses, and neighborhoods.”

An online survey is also available to provide feedback on the current LDC and suggest improvements.


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