Florida Construction News staff writer
Pensacola Mayor D.C. Reeves has updated the status of his 24 priorities for 2024. The “24 for 24” plan would require city government, administration, directors and staff to improve services to the residents of Pensacola.
Here’s where some of the projects stand as of Aug. 1, 2024:
American Magic (Port of Pensacola, Engineering, Economic Development)
- Funding for the building is in place.
- Construction is expected to begin this fall.
Attainable Housing Initiatives (Community Redevelopment Agency, Economic Development)
- 2305 W. Cervantes St.: (Pensacola Motor Lodge) Negotiations are currently underway with the developer to create a redeveloped site with low-income housing.
- 925 E. Jackson St.: Community Land Trust has been selected to move forward with a target development of 80-120% AMI housing.
- Infill Lot Project: Community Land Trust and the Home Builders Association of West Florida are coordinating the redevelopment of 3 city-owned lots to build/rehab homes at an affordable level (1491 North E St., 2300 W. Jackson St. A, 113 North Spring St.).
Baptist Hospital (Economic Development, Engineering, Housing, Community Redevelopment Agency)
- State funding is secured.
- A demolition consultant has toured the site.
- The Paces Foundation has been awarded two affordable housing multi-family rental projects utilizing Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) monies as well as other state funds.
Bayfront/SUN Trail mixed use path (Public Works)
- 30% design complete for Phase 1 from Florida Department of Transportation. This is for a 3-mile bridge to the Port.
- Waiting for the SUN Trail application for construction funding to be determined. This is expected to happen this Fall.
$5 million Brownsville Commercial Revitalization Project (Community Redevelopment Agency)
- Grant award has been accepted.
Fricker Center $5.5 million CDBG Renovation Project (Parks and Recreation/ Public Works)
- Grant documents have been completed.
- Facilities is working with Parks and Recreation on an Environmental Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Commerce approval.
- Facilities is working on completing an RFQ for project management.
Begin Hashtag Project (Engineering, Public Works, Community Redevelopment Agency)
- Design RFQ is complete for Hashtag Phase 1 Main St (Tarragona to Baylen St).
- Design RFQ Hashtag Phase 2 Cedar St (Commendencia to Spring St) is ready to advertise, but waiting on the determination of the SUN Trail application for funding before we proceed. That determination is expected to be announced this Fall.
Customer Service Center at City Hall (Building Inspections, Parking Management, Engineering, Pensacola Energy, Sanitation Services and Fleet Management)
- In the process of creating an all-encompassing city webpage for payment of all city bills.
- Working on the design of a new customer service center.
Hagler Mason/Council Chambers Refresh (Public Works)
Help finalize A&P Mechanics School for Pensacola State College at Pensacola International Airport (Airport, Economic Development)
- Triumph funding has been secured.
- Pensacola State College is looking to break ground sometime this fall.
- Airport and PSC are finalizing the lease.
Hollice T. Williams Greenway (Public Works, Engineering, Community Redevelopment Agency)
- A design firm has been selected. Working on executing a contract.
- Community outreach is now underway.
- Property acquisition conversations are ongoing.
Land Development Code Assessment/Next Steps for LDC (Planning and Zoning/Development Services)
- LCD assessment is complete.
- Implementation funding is expected to come in August.
Low Barrier Shelter (Mayor/Housing)
- Cost evaluated.
- Committed to spending $1.1 million of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for homeless reduction.