Gulf Building to be GC for $100 million ATLA West project in Delray Beach

gulf building AltaWest delray Beach

Gulf Building LLC says it has been selected as general contractor, part of the BH3 Management team, to build the $100.3 million ATLA West project in Delray Beach.

The project follows the group’s purchase of the 7.4 acre site at 600 to 800 West Atlantic Ave.

Aventura-based BH3, led by Dan Lebensohn and Greg Freedman, was one of six groups bidding on the public-private partnership to redevelop the site, aiming to transform the downtown area, The Real Deal reports. “BH3 was the only developer to not offer money in exchange for the land, but it will spend the most on development, which it values at $100 million. It will also build workforce housing and will give the city 206 parking spaces,” the publication reported.

Other project participants include: ID&D Design International, Richard Jones Architecture, Levy Land Trust, SA Nelson Associates, Dave Bodker Landscape Architecture/Planning, Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr, and Joe Snider Consulting.

AltaWest will provide apartments, including workforce housing units; retail/restaurants; a grocery store; office space; an open public area located in the middle of the project called “frog alley” which reflects the history of the area; and an abundance of much needed parking.

The deal, approved by the Delray Beach Community Redevelopment Agency on April 9, will now go before the City Commission for site plan approval.

“As a 28-year old local firm with an office just a few blocks away, Gulf is excited to part of this team and we look forward to building this long-awaited project for the Delray Beach community,” company president John Scherer said in a statement.


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