Florida Building Code changes signed into law

Florida Building Code

The Florida Green Building Coalition reports that these changes have been signed into law in the Florida Building Code.  The changes outlined in HB353, signed by governor Rick Scott in late March, include:

  • Increased the building’s or dwelling unit’s maximum tested air leakage measure from “not exceeding 5 air changes per hour” to “not exceeding 7 air changes per hour” in Climate Zones 1 and 2 (all of Florida);
  • Mandatory blower door testing for residential buildings or dwelling units as contained in section R402.4.1.2 1289 of the Florida Building Code, 5th Edition (2014) Energy 1290 Conservation, shall not take effect until July 1, 2017 and shall not apply to construction permitted before July 1, 2017.
  • Section M401.2 of the Florida Building Code, 5th Edition (2014) Mechanical, and section R303.4 of the Florida Building Code, 5th Edition (2014) Residential, which became effective on June 30, 2015, shall not require mandatory mechanical ventilation unless the air infiltration rate in a dwelling is less than 3 air changes per hour when tested with a blower door at a pressure of 50 Pascals
  • The minimum fire separation distance for non-fire resistant rated exterior walls shall be 3 feet or greater and non-fire resistant rated projections shall have a minimum fire separation distance of 3 feet or greater. Projections within 2 feet and less than 3 feet shall include a 1-hour fire-resistance rate on the underside. Projections less than 2 feet are not permitted.
  • A restaurant, cafeteria, or similar dining facility, including an associated commercial kitchen, is required to have sprinklers only if it has a fire area occupancy load of 200 patrons or more.


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