Florida Construction News staff writer
The City of Miami Beach will host a virtual public webinar to provide project updates, draft designs and the draft management plan for the Mooring Field project on Feb. 20 at 6 p.m. Use the zoom link to join: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87974487691.
A mooring field is a managed mooring system attached to the bottom of a waterway that adheres to an approved management plan. The feasibility of establishing a regulated mooring field has been explored to provide boaters with the opportunity to anchor while also protecting Biscayne Bay’s seagrass and water quality. Miami Beach currently lacks a regulated mooring field, and this project would provide a new public amenity.
The city conducted a preliminary analysis and public outreach to establish a framework for the implementation of a mooring field. During this process, the community expressed interest in having the mooring field in South Beach.The $2.7 million project’s boundaries include the MacArthur Causeway to the south, Sunset Harbour to the north, and Biscayne Bay to the east.
Resource Environmental Solutions is the design consultant on the project, and construction is expected to bring environmental benefits to the ariea. According to reports from state and local environmental agencies, there has been a significant loss of seagrass habitat an the project will protect the seagrass beds by preventing unregulated anchoring and anchor dragging.
Visit the project page for more information.