FINFROCK begins construction on $49.5 million FAMU housing project

finfrock a&M

FINFROCK has broken ground on a new 700-bed residence hall project for the Florida A&M University (FAMU).

Phase 1 of the new residence halls will cover 182,000 sq. ft. with future phases to come. The first phase will include two four-story H-shaped student residence buildings, each with an east and west wing, featuring 350 double-occupancy bedrooms and shared bathrooms.

The project has an estimated $49.5 million value.

The new housing buildings will include laundry facilities, vending areas, common student lounges, study rooms, recreation/TV/computer rooms and administrative offices.

FINFROCK says that it will construct the building using its patented DualDeck Building System. The two new buildings are expected to complete in 2020.

“Our unique project delivery method using offsite construction has proven to be successful for delivering buildings more quickly, efficiently and economically, which is critically important in the student housing market. In addition, our all-concrete structures will provide FAMU with greater durability, reduced building maintenance and lower lifecycle costs, allowing them to maximize their investment for years to come,” FINFROCK president William Finfrock said in a statement.


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